

Installation instruction for Windows

I-Voting in Windows Operating System

First, the main requirements to the voter and their computer must be met. The ID-card software must also be installed and configured.

The main stages of voting are similar in different computer operating systems.

The i-voting application, or the voter application, works on the following 64-bit Windows Operating Systems:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11

Before using the voter application, it is recommended to check if the latest security updates have been installed on the computer.


Using a proxy

It is also possible to use the voter application when the Internet connection is via an HTTP proxy. The voter application uses the relevant Microsoft Edge settings to identify the proxy. If the environment variable https_proxy is set in the working environment of the voter application, the proxy settings are read from there.


If an error occurs

More information on troubleshooting for ID-card or mobile ID is available on the elections website. If you need help about the activities connected with the ID-card, please phone +372 631 6633 or e-mail to [email protected].

If your computer or a technical fault does not allow i-voting, you can vote at a polling place.