


The observers are not issued an observer’s certificate. Before elections observation, it is recommended to undertake a training course in the electronic training environment that provides instructions for successful monitoring and explains the content of the activities of electoral committees and elections managers.

  • Everyone has the right to observe the activities and procedures conducted by electoral committees and elections managers.
  • Before starting with observation, the observer has to introduce themselves.
  • The observers have the right to record the numbers of the security mechanisms used for sealing the ballot boxes.
  • The observers may not interfere with the voting of voters or the work of the electoral committee or the elections manager, or participate in the activities that fall within in the competence of the electoral committee or the elections manager.
  • The observers do not have the right to examine the list of voters, except for verification of the accuracy of the data about themselves entered in the list of voters.
  • If due to lack of space it is not possible to ensure all observers equal conditions for monitoring the procedures, the observation takes place in accordance with the orders of the electoral committee or the elections manager.