Principles of checking an i-vote with a smart device
Checking of vote enables to get more information about the security of the computer used for voting. If the computer is infected with malware that changes or blocks the i-voter’s i-vote, checking enables to identify such a situation.
Smart device with Android and iOS operating system can be used for checking. The smart device must have a camera and internet connection.
Explaining of vote checking through an example
The voter makes their choice “12. James” and the computer generates a random number “92862847293”. These two elements, the choice and the random number, are encrypted together with the public key of the voting system.
As a result of encrypting, a cryptogram or an encrypted text is created. This text is signed digitally.

The obtained cryptogram with a digital signature is sent to the elections server. The server generates the session code “1357”, which is sent to the voter application.

Random number “92862847293” and session code “1357”are displayed on the screen of the voter’s computer as a QR code. The verification application started in the smart device will read them with the help of a camera.

The smart device sends the session code “1357” to the elections server, after which the server will identify the corresponding vote and return the encrypted vote to the smart device.

The smart device knows the random number “92862847293” and also the public key of the elections system, with which the data are encrypted.
With the unique vote random number and key that is used to encrypt the vote, it is possible to calculate the voters choice.
Voters personal data, like name and social security number are fetched from the vote’s digital signature. Voters choice is being calculated by public key and vote’s unique randomness number.